Today marks the exact half-way point of the year.

Looking back:

  • I picked up golf. Youtube videos help, actually swinging the club helps more. Definitely need range time and lessons.

  • Got plants around the house.

  • Joined Clout Jam full-time as CTO. Clout Jam is building next generation of tools to help creators effectively run their business. Learn more about us here.

Looking forward:

  • The pandemic is subdued yet still on-going. The delta variant is now looming above all hopes of a normal re-opening globally. I’ve coincidently received my second dose vaccine today, along with Toronto re-opening, things are beginning to be back to normal.

  • Definitely need more exercise. I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been. Eat less, move more. No excuses.

  • Vacation. I feel like I sat down at the beginning of the pandemic and didn’t move away from the screen for a full year and half. 2020 and 2021 have been kind to me in terms of self-improvement and career progress, but it did not come without trade-offs.

  • Health. Nothing is more important.

What I’m excited about:

  • Toronto re-opening. Even going back to the office.
  • Travelling/Vacation. Seeing friends that moved away during the pandemic.
  • Doing good work with smart people, and learning from the process.


  • Principles by Ray Dalio. I’m so happy to started on this one. The way Ray formalized his life and work principles is exactly what I’ve been striving for in the last few years, albeit in a much less eloquently well thought out manner. I’ve very excited and motivated to verbalize and write down some of my principles that would guide my life and work.