What I accomplished/am thankful for in the first half of 2022.

  • I have transitioned to focus 100% of my time on Cloutdesk. We help creators manage their businesses 10x better, so they can focus on the creative parts and not the boring parts.

    • We’ve grown our revenue by +290% in the past 6 month, comparing to the previous period (6 month, June 1st-December 1st, 2021).

    • We’ve fully launched CDFM (Cloutdesk for Marketers). An app that gives marketers the ability to track, recruit, negotiate, sign, manage, and pay creator all in one place.

    • Continued to improve Cloutdesk.com for Creators, adding highly anticipated features like Content Approval.

    • Lots of other amazing and technically challenging improvements to the platform!

  • Spent an amazing two month in the winter in Mexico (Playa del Carmen), already planning to head back this coming winter. Can’t wait to see our new friends there.

  • Weight loss is a success! Reduced from 165lb down to 150lb! Target is a consistent 145lb, eating less + moving more is the key.

  • Continued to improve my Golf swing :)

  • Found an amazing (our new fav.) Korean restaurant in town.

  • Fully embraced plant based diet a la this amazing spot.

  • Celebrated my 32nd trip around the Sun with friends and loved ones in NYC.

  • Celebrated the beginning of summer with amazing co-workers on a boat and in-person after almost 2 years of virtual first work.

and many more.

The future:

  • Communication is hard.

  • Asking for help is hard.

I want to understand and measure this:

Luck = [Doing Things] * [Telling People]

How to increase one’s luck?

  1. By doing lots of things
  2. By telling lots of people

I think I’m good at 1 but not 2. I need to learn how to improve 2 and ask for help more often.