2022. 1/2
What I accomplished/am thankful for in the first half of 2022.
I have transitioned to focus 100% of my time on Cloutdesk. We help creators manage their businesses 10x better, so they can focus on the creative parts and not the boring parts.
We’ve grown our revenue by +290% in the past 6 month, comparing to the previous period (6 month, June 1st-December 1st, 2021).
We’ve fully launched CDFM (Cloutdesk for Marketers). An app that gives marketers the ability to track, recruit, negotiate, sign, manage, and pay creator all in one place.
Continued to improve Cloutdesk.com for Creators, adding highly anticipated features like Content Approval.
Lots of other amazing and technically challenging improvements to the platform!
Spent an amazing two month in the winter in Mexico (Playa del Carmen), already planning to head back this coming winter. Can’t wait to see our new friends there.
Weight loss is a success! Reduced from 165lb down to 150lb! Target is a consistent 145lb, eating less + moving more is the key.
Continued to improve my Golf swing :)
Found an amazing (our new fav.) Korean restaurant in town.
Fully embraced plant based diet a la this amazing spot.
Celebrated my 32nd trip around the Sun with friends and loved ones in NYC.
Celebrated the beginning of summer with amazing co-workers on a boat and in-person after almost 2 years of virtual first work.
and many more.
The future:
Communication is hard.
Asking for help is hard.
I want to understand and measure this:
Luck = [Doing Things] * [Telling People]
How to increase one’s luck?
- By doing lots of things
- By telling lots of people
I think I’m good at 1 but not 2. I need to learn how to improve 2 and ask for help more often.